
Lovin' in the Summer Time

I had my first real summer adventure the other day. And it was great.

Let me first start by introducing someone special.
is Skyler J. Street. 
He's pretty cute huh?
He is basically my best friend. He used to live across from me here at Raintree, but he just had to move away. That's how we met. Kinda. He was an EFY counselor like I was, but we never really met then. He claims to have recognized my voice one Sunday morning in sacrament meeting... we'll leave it at that. 
Anyway, he is the funniest, most fun guy you will ever meet. Plus, he is a sweetheart and a gentlemen. The whole package? Pretty close. 

Ok. Now that we got that out of the way - onto *le adventure. 

Woke up early [and by that I mean like 9... hah] and this wonderful boy picked me up. And guess where we went!? You will never guess. So I will just tell you.
I know, I know.. my form is atrocious. But give me some credit! It was the first time I had ever gone legitimate golfing. I was a noob. And according to Sky, I did pretty dang good for my first try. So there, take that first time! 
I'm gonna be honest. It is possible that the best part of the day was driving the golf cart. IT WAS SO COOL. I vowed to go again [maybe to just drive the cart]. No, I want to go again so I can spend the day with him, and practice my new found talent...promise... 

After that, we were hungry. So he took me to lunch (gentlemen - I told you). We were up in Heber City, Utah - he took me to Dairy Keen - or more often known as 'the Train place.' There are a few [2] things that I liked about this place. I will give you a list. 
1) It was yummy. And I mean, YUMMY. The shakes are too die for - or that's what I heard. The only I got was ok [crappy]. I know they are to die for though because I ate some of Skylers. He got an Oreo one. happy face. I will return to make up for the loss.
2) It had an association with Harry Potter. Clearly, that makes it onto my list of 'Best Places on Earth.'
DO YOU SEE HOW COOL THIS IS!?!! It's a model of Harry Potter land. They had Diagon Alley, and Hogwarts and everything. You can eat in the room and take in all it's magical goodness. Unfortunately, it was closed. So I didn't get to experience the magic. Another reason why I will have to go back. 

All in all, it was a great day. Many new experiences to go down in the book. Plus, I got to do it all with my best friend. Which made it like, ten times better. 

Here's to summer time and all the things that will [could] happen and all the love that will be found. 


Turning Over a New Leaf

I did a lot a thinking the past week. 
And I realized that I was having a pity party and being way to depressed. It must have been finals. Yup, I'm gonna blame it all on finals. Some weird finals demon took over my body and possessed me to do things and say things that are not part of the 'normal Emily.' 
Thank goodness I finished my last one of Thursday. The demon left and all was returned to normal. For the most part that is. However, I vowed never to visit that dark place again. It didn't benefit me at all. 

So - I hopped on the good 'ole internet to find some inspirational quotes. And you wanna know that one that I found that jumped out at me? Of course you do. 

“It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.” – Dumbledore 

It's a good one huh? And it is even better because it is from Harry Potter. Obviously. It really hit me though. I can't just dream about a better life. Or dream about the day I become a nurse. Because that is certainly way to far away, and there are so many things right now that I get to experience. I can't forget to do that. I owe Dumbledore a personal thank you. 

And now, instead of giving you an update on my life and things that I have been doing - I am going to talk about some of the things that I am excited about right now. 

1) www.pottermore.com --> If you don't know what this website is, you aren't cool. It literally is the coolest/most time consuming website I have ever been on. Basically, you become a Hogwarts student along with Harry, through every single book. Except you get to have your own adventures. 
They even give you your own wand that 'chooses' you based on answers to questions you give. 
This is mine. It's precious. 

And then after you get your wand you head to the castle and get sorted. You answer a ton of 'this or that' kinda questions, and then the hat places you where you belong. I got put in Hufflepuff. And I'm proud of it. No regrets here. 

This is the home page. I've got tons of house points huh?
I really am going to spend most of my summer on this website. It is so stinking cool. They did a great job. There are little clips from J.K. Rowling herself. She was super involved in the creation of it. 


I'm telling you. Get an account. And then let's be pottermore freaks/nerds together. 

2) It's SUMMER TIME. You know what that means? Lazy days. Pool. Sun-bathing. Working = MONEY. Side note on that, I got a job at my apartment complex [Raintree Commons] so if you know of anyone looking for somehwhere to live, send them my way. EFY --> I'm so excited about this. 
I can't wait. I love summer. Only down side is I don't get to spend all of it with my best friend[s]. (Lauren Ford & Skyler Street) <-- I love them. With all the fibers in my soul. I would do anything for them. 
Also - since it is the second summer after the end of my freshmen year, that means that all the boys from my freshmen year will be returning [that includes THIS boy - whose blog I am obsessed with. You should read it, and then share it with your friends, cause they will love it too]. I am STOKED to see them all.  

3) My new nail polish and the PERFECT dish set my mom and I found at Kohls yesterday. 
The polish is perfect, is it not? It is my color. Though I am not getting married soon, I already know what my color/pattern [I'll let you guess...] is going to be. 
Yup. That blue and black and white polka dots. 
Which is why that dish set is so perfect. You can't really see it that well. But the plates and bowls are either dotted or striped. And just so you know, I'm not opposed to stripes either. That is Lauren's favorite pattern. See?

Yea. We are a match made in heaven. I know. But back to the dishes. They were absolutely fabulous. My mom was convinced we should buy them, that way I would already have a whole matching dish set by the time I got married. I told her no, but now that I'm thinking about it... I probably shouldn't have turned that offer down...

4) I passed my classes. So therefore, I will not be kicked out of the nursing program as I previously had thought. I know you don't care, but that is probably the thing I am MOST pleased about. 

OK. That is all I have for now. I did just move into my new apartment for the summer. It's kinda weird not knowing any of my roommates. But it will be a well needed break from some of my old ones. Here's to new adventures!

oh, and 
don't forget to live. 



I'm angry at a lot of things right now. And yes, I am taking advantage of the internet to complain about my rage and frustration and hurt and many other STUPID emotions that STUPID human beings have to experience. STUPID.

Sometimes I think anger is the only way to cope with things sometimes. Like, even when you aren't really mad or upset or fuming, you can find a STUPID way to make yourself livid and then it makes everything seem more bearable. I would so much rather be angry than bawling my eyes out. That way I can at least let lose a string of profanities and people are [semi] ok with it because I'm justified in doing. Because I'm STUPIDLY angry.

Honestly though, I don't think anyone ever really likes be angry. And it only gets you so far. It will tide you over for about 5 hours, maybe a couple days max. Once my days are up, I can guarantee I will be wallowing in a pit of self-pity and endless woe and misery. Is that a STUPID over exaggeration - no way.

And I can tell I'm really upset because normally when I'm only partially upset, I have the motivation to do something. Like watch a favorite TV show. Or go work out. Or go dance. Or laugh at other people's pain and insufficiencies. Or eat. But nope. None of that sounds appealing right now. All I want to do is curl up in a little ball and die. Or punch something STUPID. Either or. But punching does require a lot more effort. So I probably won't do that.

To top it all off - it's finals week. Thank goodness I have only two left. But I really don't care anymore. So I most likely won't study as productively as I should. Therefore, I will probably fail. So logically, I will have to retake the STUPID class.

I quit. I give up. I'm throwing in the towel. I feel STUPID.




Gettin There?

It's amazing what can happen in 2 months. I feel like I've been on the world's worst roller coaster ride. And by that I mean, yea there were some great ups and some fantastic flips and some scary downs and such. However, now that I'm off it - all I want to do is get back on. Does that make any sense? 

Probably not. Because clearly I suck at life and can not keep a consistent flow of people in my life nor, blog at a stable rate.  

I promise once I'm no longer [attempting] to study for finals - I say attempting because I really get nothing done because I can only think about one thing - but once they are over, I will become a better blogger and I will be consistent and stable and reliable [ <-- hah that's probably a lie] but I can hope right? 

I just keep telling myself, 'You can make it another day Emmers.' 
And at night I pray extra hard that I can.