
It's never Goodbye - just I'll see you later

Just over a week and 3 days ago (not like I'm already counting) we dropped my youngest brother Cameron off at the Missionary Training Center. For the next TWO YEARS he will be serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. IN HUNGARY. I know, I can barely believe it myself. [If you want to read about it, I provided a link to his blog over here -----> ]

I am so incredibly proud of him, but I never thought it would be this hard. I miss him like crazy. It's weird not having him around to joke and laugh with. However, I know he is where he needs to be right now.

So for the next 7 1/2 weeks he will be in the Provo MTC. Just a quick little jaunt down from our house. There he will be learning Hungarian. How how to spread the gospel in hungarian. It's nuts. And then, on December 8th, 2015 - OFF TO HUNGARY HE GOES.

We are all so proud of Elder Ure and can't wait to hear about all of his adventures. I know he is going to be a great missionary! 

God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again.


Sorry, I am going to brag

Yea so I'm the queen of big announcement drops.

**Spoiler Alert: I have the worlds cutest and sassiest baby.**
Meet Abby.

So to prove it, here ya go. 


She was so grumpy this day. This is the best we could do. 

I know. She is so perfect. And precious. 

My dad told me once: "You won't understand how much I love you until you have a child of your own." And man is that true. I love her more than I can even put into words. Yea, kids are a lot of work, but it's so worth it. And I love being her mommy. It's the best. 


Flush It

Flush it. If you're like me, you immediately think of a toilet. And this might be a little too much, but hear me out. Drop your waste off at the toilet and then flush it. And that is that. It's gone. You flush it and don't think about it ever again. Or at least you should anyway.

Lately, I've been having a really hard time. And I know, that is so cliche because everyone has their trials and struggles and hard times. So that is not what this is going to be about. I am not going to sit here and vent about my life or about the fact that I failed, FAILED, an ICU Nursing Test. Nor am I going to complain about the fact that have never felt more like a failure, or cry because I feel that I am in the wrong degree and that nursing isn't for me. But I am not going to complain about that. That is not the point of this. [hah]
Instead, I am going to teach a lesson that I learned from my little brother.

I have a stud for a brother. I take that back. I have TWO stud brothers. I was blessed in the sibling department.
Ok, but the lesson I learned this time came from Cameron. 
He is a senior at Lone Peak. He played on the football team as an H-Back. (I'm pretty sure that that is a real thing, but then again, I could be completely off.) Anywho, he shared this position with a few other players. Now don't be confused here. I use the word share lightly. It was not a happy, willing sharing relationship. The coaches would just rotate these two or three boys in and out during the game. So, my extremely talented brother didn't get to play nearly as much playing time as he deserved to. I'm not biased. He is REALLY good. Click here if you don't believe me. 
Ok, so not only was he not getting the playing time he wanted, but every once in a while, a play wouldn't go as planned. A fumble. A dropped pass. A missed tackle. You name it. And that is hard to deal with! Can you imagine how tough it is to have that happen, and have to get right back up and do it all over again? I would die of so many different emotions. I would probably just combust. 
Now, my dad being the very smart man he is, gave him advice. And do you know what he said? 

Flush It. 

You just have to take those bad plays, the failed test scores and flush them. They are in the past, and have already happened. No good is going to come from letting the just sit and rot there in your mind. Flush it. Flush that bad day. Flush that horrible test. Flush the poor coaching call. You cannot let them get to you.
Because you have got so much more to look forward to and accomplish. And how are you supposed to do that if you are always looking behind you, or into the toilet? Yuck. 

So, do yourself a favor and quit doing that. 
And just flush it. 



You guys, I got married. 
And I love this man [my HUSBAND] with all of my heart. 

Obviously my wedding color was polka dots. 

Yes, more polka dots. 

 The day was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

And I have never been happier.


P.S. Sorry I'm not sorry for all the pictures. 


I promise I will return to the blogging world. When? I have no idea.

Nursing school is literally kicking my butt. 



The Wind

Welp, this is embarrassing.

Hello blog world. It's been a long 2 years. Almost like I've been on a mission... But I haven't been. I mean I have, but not like a real mission. Just my life mission. The mission of my life. That is where I have been. And it has been a windy one.

I say windy for two reasons.

1. It is EXTREMELY windy here at my house today. Like to the point where you can't focus on anything and if I let Weston outside he would probably blow away. NO. JOKE. 
2. Wind has a way of blowing and changing things around. AKA - my life has been through a wind storm. 

That's all I'm going to say about that. If you know more, that means I probably actually care about you/talk to you more than most. 

Anyway, life is windy. Literally and metaphorically. 
I'm not mad about it. I mean, sometimes I am. Let's be honest, who really enjoys the wind. Right - nobody. 
So yea, I'm mad and upset sometimes. But mostly, I'm not. I'm content and I have adjusted to the 'wind' and I am moving forward. I'm walking straight into the wind right now, so I'm not going to lie - it is pretty tough - but I'm one tough cookie. So BRING ON THE WIND. Because, eventually the wind dies down right? RIGHT?

And like the saying goes: 

The Winds of Change are Blowing. 
(that might not be the saying, but I don't care)

Lots of changes going on right now. Some good, some bad different, but they are changes none the less. 
Keep your ears open and I might just share some more about the wind. 


Super Creep

I realized that I forgot a part of my Sunday afternoon. The best part. So obviously, I had to make a second post.
You should probably know ahead of time -  I am slightly baby hungry. So when I see a cute baby or child, I can't help but yearn for one. Or to at least hold it/play with it/want one. Hah.
Anyway, we were at the park and this family comes walking up. The mom walking next to the dad while he is pushing the stroller. In the stroller are two boys. One is probably like 3, and the other maybe 18 months. So, basically the cutest kids ever. And then I see that the 3 year old has about the reddest hair in the world, and he is wearing a flat brim hat. I AM IN LOVE. [maybe not with the red hair, but he is young enough that he can pull it off]. He is precious. I knew once I saw him, that I needed a picture. But what was I going to do? I wasn't about to go up to his parents and be all, "Hey, I don't know you, and I just barely met you, but can I take a picture of your child?" No. That's weird. And I certainly wasn't going to go up to him and ask him to say cheese for a photo. How awkward would that be? He'd probably run in the opposite direction screaming. Not something I wanted to deal with.
So yes, I did take a picture of him. Spencer was cheering me on, as it was UBER creepy and probably partially illegal. But anyway, here it is:
I know right? YOU JUST WANT TO DIE. And wait, it gets even better. I later found out from my Aunt that his name is Tuck. HIS NAME IS TUCK. COULD HE BE ANYMORE PRECIOUS?!?!
It was then that I was thinking that his parents must be pretty cool. They have a ginger child that they put in little caps and named him Tuck.  But then...
The little baby. Yea. Wanna guess his name?
I kid you not. That is his name. WHATTTTTT. His parents are legit. They named their child after a networking company. 
I have no hope at winning the best parenting award. 
No way. 
I can't top Tuck and Cisco. 
Cannot do it.