You should probably know ahead of time - I am slightly baby hungry. So when I see a cute baby or child, I can't help but yearn for one. Or to at least hold it/play with it/want one. Hah.
Anyway, we were at the park and this family comes walking up. The mom walking next to the dad while he is pushing the stroller. In the stroller are two boys. One is probably like 3, and the other maybe 18 months. So, basically the cutest kids ever. And then I see that the 3 year old has about the reddest hair in the world, and he is wearing a flat brim hat. I AM IN LOVE. [maybe not with the red hair, but he is young enough that he can pull it off]. He is precious. I knew once I saw him, that I needed a picture. But what was I going to do? I wasn't about to go up to his parents and be all, "Hey, I don't know you, and I just barely met you, but can I take a picture of your child?" No. That's weird. And I certainly wasn't going to go up to him and ask him to say cheese for a photo. How awkward would that be? He'd probably run in the opposite direction screaming. Not something I wanted to deal with.
So yes, I did take a picture of him. Spencer was cheering me on, as it was UBER creepy and probably partially illegal. But anyway, here it is:
I know right? YOU JUST WANT TO DIE. And wait, it gets even better. I later found out from my Aunt that his name is Tuck. HIS NAME IS TUCK. COULD HE BE ANYMORE PRECIOUS?!?!
It was then that I was thinking that his parents must be pretty cool. They have a ginger child that they put in little caps and named him Tuck. But then...
The little baby. Yea. Wanna guess his name?
I kid you not. That is his name. WHATTTTTT. His parents are legit. They named their child after a networking company.
I have no hope at winning the best parenting award.
No way.
I can't top Tuck and Cisco.
Cannot do it.
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