
Super Creep

I realized that I forgot a part of my Sunday afternoon. The best part. So obviously, I had to make a second post.
You should probably know ahead of time -  I am slightly baby hungry. So when I see a cute baby or child, I can't help but yearn for one. Or to at least hold it/play with it/want one. Hah.
Anyway, we were at the park and this family comes walking up. The mom walking next to the dad while he is pushing the stroller. In the stroller are two boys. One is probably like 3, and the other maybe 18 months. So, basically the cutest kids ever. And then I see that the 3 year old has about the reddest hair in the world, and he is wearing a flat brim hat. I AM IN LOVE. [maybe not with the red hair, but he is young enough that he can pull it off]. He is precious. I knew once I saw him, that I needed a picture. But what was I going to do? I wasn't about to go up to his parents and be all, "Hey, I don't know you, and I just barely met you, but can I take a picture of your child?" No. That's weird. And I certainly wasn't going to go up to him and ask him to say cheese for a photo. How awkward would that be? He'd probably run in the opposite direction screaming. Not something I wanted to deal with.
So yes, I did take a picture of him. Spencer was cheering me on, as it was UBER creepy and probably partially illegal. But anyway, here it is:
I know right? YOU JUST WANT TO DIE. And wait, it gets even better. I later found out from my Aunt that his name is Tuck. HIS NAME IS TUCK. COULD HE BE ANYMORE PRECIOUS?!?!
It was then that I was thinking that his parents must be pretty cool. They have a ginger child that they put in little caps and named him Tuck.  But then...
The little baby. Yea. Wanna guess his name?
I kid you not. That is his name. WHATTTTTT. His parents are legit. They named their child after a networking company. 
I have no hope at winning the best parenting award. 
No way. 
I can't top Tuck and Cisco. 
Cannot do it. 

Sunday Fun-days

Well. As you can probably assume, this post is about Sunday. Specifically the most recent Sunday - so - yesterday.
I'm just gonna throw this out there.
I freaking love my family.

I went to my Aunt and Uncle's house down in Springville, met my family there. And we just had the best little get together. I thought that I was just going down there for food, which don't get me wrong - is fantastic - but it turned out to be a mini adventure with the best people in the world.
Dinner was served. Along with great conversation. Pretty sure we just listened to my little cousin tell us about his new addition to his life: T-Ball. He was pretty stoked. He also never failed to tell us to try to the lemonade. Which-next time you want to have a toast, dumb the Martinelli's and buy this stuff. Seriously.
Ethan: He's a cutie huh?                   It is delicious.
Dinner finished, and after I sat on the porch and chatted with my parents while others did the dishes [hah - I got outta that one...]. This is where the real adventure begins. So I was unaware that a Solar Eclipse was occurring that evening. And apparently these are a really big deal. We asked Siri, and she told us that the next Solar Eclipse won't be happening for like another 300-400 years. Right? Mind blown. I witnessed a centurion spectacle. And it was phenomenal. Seriously one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I have nothing else to say about it, so please enjoy my pictures. I worked really hard on making them look all cool and like I have photography skills. 

These are the special glasses that the people at the park we went to had. Like it says, they were safe for direct solar viewing. Meaning, I was able to look directly at the sun with these babies on. As you can see in the next picture, they are a fashion statement...

I don't think there are words for this picture. Except for maybe - Yes, the Ure Family has some impressive genetic make up. I mean, have you seen all of us?
Best look family award?

And this my friends, is the picture I am most proud of. Because not only was it really hard to take these with my phone THROUGH the glasses mind you, but they turned out pretty good [for a iPhone through Eclipse Shades]. Too bad they don't really do it justice. It was way cooler in person. I'm sorry if you didn't get to experience this phenomenon. I would say, maybe next time... But I don't want to fill you with false hope. 
Let's be honest, you won't be alive in 300 years. 


Chapped Lips

The reason for this recent hiatus in blogging is not due to business. I mean, ok maybe a little bit. But mostly not. This non-blogging moment has been brought to you by the deep, pensive moments of Emily's brain. For those who don't feel like pulling up a seperate web page to look up the definition of pensive, I will give it to you here:


1.  dreamily or wistfully thoughtful
2. expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness

Now, don't go getting ideas that I'm going emo and depressed just because the definition of the word I used says my thoughts are marked by sadness. Not true. I have just been reflecting on a lot of things. And sometimes, yes, I do get a little sad. But it eventually gets better, and so do I. And life moves on. 

I would have to say one of the worst, most annoying things I have had to deal with in my life thus far is chapped lips. Dramatic you may say? Maybe. But think about it. They seriously are the worst. They are painful. They burn and itch and sometimes even bleed. They are obnoxious and hard to get rid of. All you want to do is bite, and pick and lick. YES, lick. Our stupid brain convinces us that somehow, licking our lips will make the chappedness better. But in reality, it only makes it worse. Much much worse.  No matter how hard you try, nor how many different treatments and ointments applied, there is little hope of ending the forever cracked, dehydrated, chapped lips. 
Except one thing. 
I have found in my quest to end the torment of chapped lips, that time is truly the only cure that there is. 
Time and dedication to letting the lips heal on their own. You can't force it. You can't MAKE them heal or suddenly acquire moisture. It has to happen when it is supposed to. 

So, you may be wondering why I was wistfully thinking about chapped lips. I wasn't really. I was just annoyed with the fact that my lips were chapped, and then it got me thinking about things in my life that I view as 'chapped lips.' Things that are obnoxious, and annoying, and painful. Really, cut deep to the bone painful. And I won't bore you with the details, but I do indeed have some 'chapped lips' in my life that I wish I didn't have to deal with. But the thing is, you can't just wish your chapped lips away. It doesn't work like that. No, it takes time. 
And this was a pretty recent revelation I had. The 'chapped lips' I have been biting and licking for months now, weren't getting any better. And I was getting pretty tired of trying. The treatments I was attempting, weren't working. I wanted to give up. It was then that I realized the time answer. 
I needed to stop with the trying. I had done all I could. I had given it my all. It was now all up to time. Time was going to cure it. Time will solve my problem and fix the 'chapped lips' I had for so long despised because of the pain it was causing me. 
And just like that, I was free. The healing process began. I was able to focus on other things and move on. I knew that I was still in for a bit of a rough ride, because even thought the dryness was becoming less dry, it still hurt; but that there was an end and that this will all just be water under the bridge eventually. I could finally go a day without being annoyed with the 'chapped lips.' And I have never been more pleased in my life. 

Hence, why I have been quite pensive lately. I have been doing some profound thinking and soul searching. Thinking about the things that are truly important to me, and the things that matter the most and the things that don't. Thinking about where I wanted to spend my time, and who with. Thinking about not only where I want to be in 5, 10, 20 years, but where I want to be right now. Who I want to be and who I want others to see me as. What I want to be said about me when I die. How I want to be remembered. 
I hate chapped lips. I never want to have them. But, thats an impossible dream. It's physically impossible to avoid both literal and metaphorical chapped lips. So, I'm going to take each dehydrated, tender lip I get in my at a time, and get rid of them. Doing as much as I can and giving it all I got, and then just letting time and the Big Man Upstairs do the rest. Because honestly, that is all I can do. 
There is no point in beating a dead horse; it ain't gonna get any deader. Take what you want from that, but it has special meaning to me, and that is all that matter. 
Moral of the Story:
Chapped Lips - You are going DOWN. 

In other news - a blog about my weekend trip to Vegas. Be excited. Because it was one heck of an EXCITING trip.