

But not in the way you think.

I don't know what it is, but lately I've been really hungry.
Baby hungry that is. 

My roommate put it best: "You know those days you just really want a sexy husband and a really cute baby, thats me right now."

No but really though. I really do want a sexy husband and a cute baby. I don't just have those days every once in a while. Oh no no no. Nearly everyday, I have the urge to have a baby [and a sexy husband]. Especially when I see one [baby that is]. You know the real cute ones at the mall, or in Wal*Mart? Yea, I about die when I see one. 

Like today. O M G, I went to Zupas with my parents for lunch. ( First off, Zupas is delicious. Secondly, yes I did have my parents come down to Provo to treat me to lunch). But there was a cute little girl wearing Toms. She couldn't have been older than 3, and she had these on. 
I know. Precious. She was adorable. And in these, even more adorable. I wanted to die. 
The reason this post is making its appearance now (note: I don't even have boyfriend, so why would I be thinking about babies. Right? Wrong. I think about babies A LOT) 
Ok really, listen to this. My roommates and I went to the mall today and my want for a baby became even more apparent. I wanted to buy about every baby outfit that I saw. And then I saw this one, and decided that even though I am no where near the baby making/having stage, I wanted my baby [girl] to be wearing this:
Like really?

So anyway, to sum up. I want a baby. And I don't want this to be creepy or weird. But I really do want a baby. 

Or maybe its, I just want a baby to dress up in cute little polka dot outfits. 
Either way, this baby hunger this is serious business. 

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