
T-Swizzle: You Should be Sorry and You do Not Belong with Me

It has been one of those weeks people. Really though, I feel like Taylor Swift. My life this week has been full of inspirations for hate-filled "I never want to see your face again" songs.

**Disclaimer: if you are hoping this post is going to be about Taylor Swift in all her glory and awesomeness, you are sorely mistaken and I would advise you to stop reading now.
But you don't have to stop.
Actually, keep reading. 
Just know, I'm about to rant.
Don't say you haven't been warned. 

So you know where I'm at right now... 
Like I said, it has been one of those weeks. The weeks where you can't seem to get away from the idiots of the world. And the worst part is, I actually cared and then let their idiocy get to me. And then, I crashed and burned. If you haven't been there, just trust me when I say it hurts.  So really, bravo douche bags. You win this round. Are you satisfied? 

I'm displeased with the state of men in my life right now. 

Hence, why I've gotten to this point: 

*If you have never see these ecards before, you need to go here. Really, it will probably be the best hour[or more] of your life spent on the internet (excluding Facebook.) 

I'm not a cruel person. But when you don't deserve to be treated a certain way, then sometimes it just happens that you tend to dislike someone a little bit more. Wouldn't you agree? Do not doubt that I am not serious. If there was jerk that messed me up enough, I probably would drink their water if they were in a burning hell-like fire. Does that make me cruel? Not at all. They deserved it. They messed with my heart, so they got its wrath. 
And I'm not gonna give details because thats not fair to the other parties involved. I just had it up to HERE (imagine me with my hand held above my head to the fullest extent possible) and I cannot handle the douche bags and the tools anymore. I would like to challenge any guy who reads this to ponder this and then tell their dude friends to ponder it as well. This question needs to be answered. 
There is always room for improvement gents. And lets make it happen sooner rather than later. I'm not about to wait around for Prince Charming to show up. I'm gonna get out there and fight some battles. That just means Charming better be out there fighting some too. I really don't want a guy I can beat in battle. Thats just awkward. 

But don't get me wrong, I'd be ok if this happened. As long as he was Ryan Reynolds status. Not like I'm setting a bar or anything.. 

In conclusion, I do not need a man to make me happy [yet]. In fact, I think I may even be better off without one. 

"I'm Only Me when I'm [NOT] with you."



But not in the way you think.

I don't know what it is, but lately I've been really hungry.
Baby hungry that is. 

My roommate put it best: "You know those days you just really want a sexy husband and a really cute baby, thats me right now."

No but really though. I really do want a sexy husband and a cute baby. I don't just have those days every once in a while. Oh no no no. Nearly everyday, I have the urge to have a baby [and a sexy husband]. Especially when I see one [baby that is]. You know the real cute ones at the mall, or in Wal*Mart? Yea, I about die when I see one. 

Like today. O M G, I went to Zupas with my parents for lunch. ( First off, Zupas is delicious. Secondly, yes I did have my parents come down to Provo to treat me to lunch). But there was a cute little girl wearing Toms. She couldn't have been older than 3, and she had these on. 
I know. Precious. She was adorable. And in these, even more adorable. I wanted to die. 
The reason this post is making its appearance now (note: I don't even have boyfriend, so why would I be thinking about babies. Right? Wrong. I think about babies A LOT) 
Ok really, listen to this. My roommates and I went to the mall today and my want for a baby became even more apparent. I wanted to buy about every baby outfit that I saw. And then I saw this one, and decided that even though I am no where near the baby making/having stage, I wanted my baby [girl] to be wearing this:
Like really?

So anyway, to sum up. I want a baby. And I don't want this to be creepy or weird. But I really do want a baby. 

Or maybe its, I just want a baby to dress up in cute little polka dot outfits. 
Either way, this baby hunger this is serious business. 


Thoughts for Life

This goes along with my 'happy' post. 
Fitting right?

However, there is a caveat to this. Even though we can be happy and everything, there are some tough things life throws at us. Tons of pain and suffering, unfair trials and tribulations. And then sometimes, it just seems like there is no way to overcome the challenge ahead of you. You just want to give up. I know I've been there.
When you are down in the dumps, just remember this:

God will make a way, when there is no way. 

There is always hope. 

So technically, the chance to be happy is always there. Even in the darkest of times. 


With Attitude

Yup, saw this in Provo, UT.

Can you say driving in style?

So adorable right? But on any other car, it would have looked stupid. 

And honestly, if it was me. I would get a lightening scar for my car. 


So this is what it feels like

I am happy. Sincerely, honest-to-goodness happy.
And its not just the 'fleeting moment' kind of happy. No, I really am happy and I think it's going to last for a while. Like I just feel like I am in the right place and with the right people and doing the right thing. Yes, I miss Hawaii and there are some things that aren't making me happy (like NOT HAVING A JOB). But I really have never been so happy.

Things are going the right way. And I just don't have a complaint in the world.
I kinda feel like this:
Who wouldn't be happy with a jar of Nutella in front of them?
(I guess is you don't like chocolate you wouldn't... but if you
don't like chocolate, then life is rough for you.)
Just simple things are making me happy. I am enjoying where I am in life and the people I enteract with.
I hope this finds you happy. Or joyful. Smiling. Merry. Full of Glee. Overjoyed. Jumping for Joy. Tickled Pink. On Cloud Nine.
In other words, Happy. 
Life is Good. 
P.S. OneRepubic is my favorite band


Get those Juices Flowing - (an Ode to the Creative People)

**Disclaimer: Notice that the title of this blog is a perfect "That's what she said.."

I wish I was creative. I really do. I try so hard, but rarely succeed. And it seems so unfair. Yea, I know. My mom always told me, "Life isn't fair." But really, why didn't I get some brain that has innovative brain power that produces magnificent ideas.?
Since I have no imagination whatsoever, lets take a look at the people who I envy with a fiery passion:

  • J.K. Rolling- Yes, I have touched on this subject. But really J.K., where did you get the idea to write about a scrawny, dark haired boy who constantly conquers death in a battle of good wizards vs. nasty, mean, violet dark arts masterminds? Like I can't even imagine trying to write that. And she wrote SEVEN of them. If I could have just a sliver of her juices, I would be content. 
  • Speaking of Harry Potter and Creative-ness:
I know. Nuts. 
Watch the guy on the left, he's got the best facial expressions. 
  • Hello Rebecca Black. Yes, people hate you. But you are a creative genius. Creating a terrible song and putting it on YouTube-concluding in a viral video that brought in so much attention (negative I might add) that it was removed from the internet. And now, you are in music videos with Katy Perry. (Don't believe me, check out Last Friday Night. She's in there, I promise.) Why can't my life work out like that? Oh thats right, I'm not creative. 
  • Movie writers and Directors. I don't need to name drop... 
    • Mean Girls, Inception, Anchorman, Zoolander, ALL THE DISNEY MOVIES, etc.
  • Even my friends. I'm not going to point names and name fingers, but I have got some gosh darn awesome friends. No, I'm not trying to brag, but I really do have the BEST friends in the entire world. Sorry, but you are just not as lucky as me. I have no evidence to support this expression of creativity of my friends, because I would then be exposing them. Just know that I feel like I stand in their shadow. If you ever meet them, I suggest you bring the gifts or something. 
My last evidence of my lack of artistry is this blog. Classic polka dot background and classic posts about things that mean nothing. Oh and I should throw in there that I am in the library writing this post. I would say that is ironic, but I don't really know how to justify that. Maybe because the library is such a vintage example of where to be posting a blog. Probably half the people in this room are working on somethings far greater and of more importance than I. Actually, it's gotta be more than half. Oh well. That doesn't matter. 

On a lighter note, it is Friday. 

Sing it RB

**Disclaimer: I don't hate my life. Quite the opposite actually.
I'm loving life. I'm loving who I am.
In the words of Lil' Wayne:
"I'm me, I'm me, I'm me, I'm me
Baby I'm me, so who you? You're not me, you're not me
And I know that ain't fair, but I don't care
I'ma freaking Cash Money Millionaire" 
(false, but I wish I was ^)