- I just finished my 3rd (THIRD) week as an EFY counselor, and I am loving it. That is partially why I haven't posted in a while. It takes up ALL my time. And then, on the weekends when I don't work, I sleep to make up for the sleep I do not get while working. I would say that I live a monotonous life...but 'EFY counselor' and 'monotonous' just do not go in the same sentence.
- My family moved.
That is the event I would like to focus on at this moment in time. I do not know if you have ever moved before, but it is an excruciating experience.
Let me give you some background first. So my family moved from New Hampshire to Superior, CO in 2003 or 2004 into this house:
i love this house.
shout out to all the good times on Clayton Circle
Anyway, I was in the 6th grade. I remember going to the new school for the first time and being scared out of my mind. Luckily, I was the new girl so naturally, everyone knew about me. And I've never had a problem making friends, so I accepted the change and welcomed my new life with open arms.
fast forward 7.5 years
(i'm a high school graduate,
going into my THIRD year of college,
i love everything about COLORADO)
My parents tell me and my two younger brothers that we are moving to Utah. (WAIT, WHAT!?!?!) This is where I did most of my growing up! This is all my high school friends are! I know this area like the back of my hand - like when I am craving some delicious Chipotle, I know that it is only a 8 minute drive. (Now, its like 20 minutes for me to satisfy that need. Pathetic.) YOU CAN'T MAKE ME MOVE FROM THE BEST STATE IN THE WORLD. Nope, I will not move. No way. Nope.
That was my attitude anyway...
So, I get home from school (in hawaii) in about April and the packing mayhem begins. It was terrible to say the least. I was told I had to put things in boxes, when I DID NOT want them in boxes. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months (I travel to Utah to work two weeks) and then the moving day finally comes. The movers come and pack everything we own into this truck. (Not to mention our car keys. So we had to pay to have our car towed away and new keys made. Something you want to do NOT want on moving day, believe me.)
The day the truck drove away from my house, I cried like a baby. And it wasn't just silent tears I was shedding. No no no. I was full on SOBBING.
I refused to accept that that truck was full of MY stuff and driving away from MY house.
And I was most definitely not going to accept that I will no longer live on this street and stop at this stop sign. This is MY street.
But, it happened.
Will I miss it? What kind of question is that.
Have I accepted it? Not in the slightest.
Am I going to put on my big girl panties and deal with it.
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