
Believe. Hope. Endure.

I have a job. 
And yes, I have had jobs before. I've done my fair share of spending summers life guarding, and I have even fallen in love with teaching young children how to swim. 
But no, this job is unlike any other job. I am a camp counselor. 

You're probably thinking, "Is she serious? Thats nothing."
Well, it may be. But to me, its not. I am a camp counselor for a program called EFY. 

Especially For Youth

This camp is through my church. (And for those of you who don't know, I attend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In other words, I'm Mormon). It's not like a normal summer camp where you go camping in tents in the mountains and do adventurous things like rope courses high in the air, or white-water rafting, or bear hunting. No, it is different than that. 
This camp is held on BYU Provo's campus, and it's main goal is to teach the youth how to be better examples of my church. It's a great experience not only for them, but for me. 

It goes all summer. So, bear with me. If there are few posts, it is because I am extremely busy. But I PROMISE I haven't forgotten about blogging. I will return eventually. 

Any who, I'm excited to say the least. And if you would have asked me two days ago, I would have said something like, "I'm so nervous I think my lunch is going to end up on the floor." I got over that, but I'm still nervous. It's a ton of preparing and planning and pressure to be the best. 
 These kids are looking to me. ME.  I don't know if I can be that kind of example... but I am willing to learn and to try my hardest to be the best counselor I can be. 

"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul- We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
-13th Article of Faith of my church. 

And on that note, I guess my point is it challenge you to seek after things that are worth your time. Don't waste time doing things that don't matter in the long run. 

Live like it's your last day, and Love like you'll never be hurt. 
Believe. Hope. Endure. 


The Game

You probably don't know this about me. But I am REALLY talented when it comes to this game. And lately,  I have been tearing it up and destroying any/everyone who challenges me. Actually, even if they don't accept the invitation to play, I play (and by play I mean, utterly demolish ) them anyway.

Fact: I am obsessed with the License Plate Game.

Rules of the Game: 
  • Any person in the car may participate. 
  • If/When you see a car with a license plate displaying a state other than the state you are residing you, you yell it out. 
  • After yelling it out, you may proceed to lightly tap and/or punch any/all people in the car. 

I don't know if obsessed is even the right word. It's become almost second nature for me to zone in on the license plates of cars, so I can find out-of-state plates and yell it out and punch everyone in the car. A normal day of license plate hunting usually results in about 30 (plus or minus a few) punches from yours truly.
Pathetic is not the word I would use, but others might. It has gotten to the point where I don't even need to see the name of the plate - I just KNOW state by the color and design of its plate.
Like this one. But this one isn't too hard to recognize and/or miss.

They are EVERYWHERE. I think it's because people like to flaunt that they are from California, so they drive all over the country with their coveted 'Cali' license plates so others can see. (Don't worry, I'm not hating on you guys. I still love the Daisy Dukes and the Sun-Kissed skin. Go Golden Coast!)
And I'm am just waiting for the day when I see one of these on the mainland. It will be a day to go down in history. Hawaii has a special place in my heart.

Anyway, be warned - don't get in the car with me unless you know what you are getting yourself into.

Speaking of license plates...

-This is my dad's. It means "It Goes" in German.

Fitting right? I mean, the thing really does go. I've been in it when he drove it at like 120mph or somethin.
Are you ok? You're looking a little green with envy. 

- If I got a custom license plate, I'm thinkin' something like this.

- And then I would get this to go with it. 

or this one. 

I'm slightly obsessed with Harry Potter. 
(slightly in this sentence means sickeningly - we'll talk about this later)

Moral of the story: Car rides should never. I repeat NEVER be boring. Look around you, I'm sure there is some license plates from out of state, meaning you get to punch someone, or there are funny things to be read. 
So basically, quit whining and pay attention to the world around you, it's more enjoyable that way. 
That's a good lesson, right? 


I'm crossing my fingers its true..

This is my first go at this whole blog thing, so don't hate. I'm attempting to get the hang of it, I WILL get there, I promise. First off, I would like to give a shout out to the girl that first ever planted this blog seed into my head. 
( hi haley wawa) 

However, I'm sure you don't want to hear about how incompetent and un-creative I am for actually blogging, so I digress from that. 
So, secondly. This is the real reason I started blogging: 

This people, is a PANDA DOG
I know, the cutest thing ever right? My friend introduced me to them last night and ever since then, ( a whole 12 hours ago) I want one. Scratch that, I NEED one.
Now, you are probably asking yourself, "Is that really real?" Oh, don't worry, I too, questioned how palpable this animal actually is. So thats where my best friend Google again came in handy...

 There is no way that any one would dye these adorable puppy dogs. 
So, therefore I conclude that the Panda Dogs exist and are really real. I refuse to let anyone tell me that there are people out there who take completely white dogs and dye them with black spots, or completely black dogs and dye them with white spots. I mean its absurd. Right? 

Keep Rockin' -- I mean, I always am. So you should too. 

And while you're at it, let me know if you find a real Panda Dog. I'm on the hunt for one, so I can claim I have seen one in real life, and I can also acquire one and keep it for my very own.