Hello blog world. It's been a long 2 years. Almost like I've been on a mission... But I haven't been. I mean I have, but not like a real mission. Just my life mission. The mission of my life. That is where I have been. And it has been a windy one.
I say windy for two reasons.
1. It is EXTREMELY windy here at my house today. Like to the point where you can't focus on anything and if I let Weston outside he would probably blow away. NO. JOKE.
2. Wind has a way of blowing and changing things around. AKA - my life has been through a wind storm.
That's all I'm going to say about that. If you know more, that means I probably actually care about you/talk to you more than most.
Anyway, life is windy. Literally and metaphorically.
I'm not mad about it. I mean, sometimes I am. Let's be honest, who really enjoys the wind. Right - nobody.
So yea, I'm mad and upset sometimes. But mostly, I'm not. I'm content and I have adjusted to the 'wind' and I am moving forward. I'm walking straight into the wind right now, so I'm not going to lie - it is pretty tough - but I'm one tough cookie. So BRING ON THE WIND. Because, eventually the wind dies down right? RIGHT?
And like the saying goes:
The Winds of Change are Blowing.
(that might not be the saying, but I don't care)
Lots of changes going on right now. Some good, some bad different, but they are changes none the less.
Keep your ears open and I might just share some more about the wind.