
Goodies Shout Out

This. Is. Me.

HOWEVER.  I made it to Saturday.  The week from 'down below' is over and it is finally time to depart.
So many good things going on. SO MANY GOODIES!!!!

First - shout out to my Bunny. So much love goin' on there. Seriously, I didn't know this much love was possible.

Secondly -
I apologize for the crappy quality of this
photo. It just could not wait
to be blogged
Yup. I have connections. And therefore, my wish was granted and I received THE MOST legit ring in the mail today. You really don't understand how excited I am right now. 
Shout out to the jeweler. :D

Thirdly - I leave tomorrow morning. And I get to spend a freakin' whole 10 days with my familia. Oh - and the wonderful Caribbean weather. PRAISE THE MOTHER OF ZUES.  Shout out to palm trees and island breeze.

Like I said: 


Oh. and 

etc... etc...



Sometimes I try to find reasons to NOT study. And by sometimes, I mean a lot of the time. So like:
-"Oh, this won't be on the test."
-"I am so tired"
-"Glee was on last night - I need to watch it."

So logically, I don't study as much as I should.
But honestly, who can study all week long?? 
[Rhetorical question - however if we were to answer it:
-Attention span of a robot - and by that I mean NOTHING will break their focus
Therefore - NOT ME]

Needless to say, I needed a break from the 12+ hours of studying I have done today for ONE final. Yup, one. Disgusting. 
So obvioulsy, I watched Glee. Watched Jeff Dunham on YouTube. Got Hot Chocolate. Oh, and got on Pinterest. And found some quality photographs. 


Keep your chin up kid. 


Peace and Blessings.


FINAL-ly Christmas Time

The time is finally here. Alright well almost. It is about t-minus 9 days until Christmas break begins and it is then that I will be a happy camper. (<-- oxymoron: It will take a lot of convincing and motivation for me to be happy while camping). But it is none the less true. Once these dreaded FINALS are over, I can go back to carefree, fun Emily. Hallelujah. 

But until then and to distract myself from all the nasty FINALS that are inevitably coming my way, I have found ways to enjoy myself. 
For example, my roommates and I spent one evening watching the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion show and on commercial breaks, we put up our Christmas decorations. Do you want to see?? 
I know you do. 

Our beautifully decorated Christmas tree and balcony
with lights.
There are even [empty] presents under the tree.
Really though.
It is COLD outside.

Yup. I love coming home to my apartment. Nothing better than walking in from my car on a cold, dark winter night and seeing the lights all lit up and what not. 

Oh and this?  -->
That's just our apartments' Christmas card. 
Totes presh. 
If you want one, let me know. 
We got tons of extras. 

I cannot wait for break to come. 
Because the day it starts, I will be on a jet plane. Flying. Far away. 
To eventually reach some destination that looks something like this:
Oh Mother of Zeus. It will be glorious. 
I will lose sight of any and every responsibilty I have, and my
main focus will to become as tan as I once was. 
I worship the sun. NBD.

Alright, moving on. 

In other news, I have a special someone I like to spend all my extra time with. 
That is all the news I have. 

I'm sorry you're life is so dull and boring that you have to read this pitiful excuse for a blog post, but to make your time worth it, I have attached a link that will hopefully make your day, evening, week, etc substantially better. 

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays if you don't hear from me before these wondrous two weeks begin. I know I will. Be enjoying myself that is. 

Good luck with FINALS - and LIFE [consider yourself lucky if you don't have finals]. 


Please watch. 
And then please share. 
As it is now Lauren and I's new dream to make
it onto
 The Ellen Show. 


A Week of Thankfuls

So I realized something this week. Actually, I learned it in class. Yes, I paid attention in class. Cool huh? It's amazing what happens when you pay attention. You get bang for your buck when you do. So smart.
Anyway, I was in class this past Monday when we read a story. And the moral of the story was this:
It is better to look up. 
if you want to read the whole story, 
go here

But that phrase really hit me. Why am I complaining about the little things and focusing on all the bad? I have so much good in my life, and it is indeed so much better to look at those things then the bad. Your entire outlook on life changes when you change where you are looking. LOOK UP PEOPLE! Life is really ten times better. 
So with that being said, I'm looking up. And here are a few gems that I found.

Monday --> Friends 
I don't know what I would do without these people. I don't even want to think about how terribly frightenting, cold, and depressing life would be without friends. So I won't. Instead, I will be grateful that I have them. Thanks guys :)

Tuesday --> Family
Gosh I love my family. I remember back in the high school days, I would so much rather be out doing something with my friends. But then the second I moved away from home, I missed my family oodles. Now, I can't go a month without having to see them. Thank you for being great fam - I love you. 

Little Cousin 1

Little Cousin 2

Wednesday --> Puppy Dog
Weston :)

Thursday --> Food
There is nothing truly better than having a fully belly of yummy food. It tastes even better when you have been on a 'college student Ramen Noodles every night' budget. And when you don't really have to make it. Am I right, or am I right? Well anyway, last Thursday was Thanksgiving, and lucky me - I got to spend it with family AND friends, along with enjoying wondrous food. THANK YOUS ALL AROUND!

What a bro. 

<-- Spence with his mountain plate of food. I think he went back for thirds... or fourths...

Like YES.

Lauren and I successfully got the cranberry out of the can without ruining it. -->
It was a pivotal Thanksgiving moment.

*Disclaimer* I like mashed potatoes.
A lot. 

Friday --> Laughs
It has been proven (don't ask me by who, because I do not know) that laughing makes you live longer. And I believe it. So, fortunately we were blessed with a laughing moment in my house on Thanksgiving. 
So you know the thermometers you use to cook turkey with? The ones you stick in the oven and when the internal temperature of the turkey reaches a certain degree, it's done. Yup, well my mom has some of those. And so early that morning when we were preparing the turkey, we put two in to makes sure we got just the right temperature. I mean, we were cooking for 30 people, we didn't want the turkey to be bad right? (Bad turkey experience: watch the "Thanksgiving" episode of The New Girl t.v. series. You will pee your pants)
So anyway, a couple hours go by and it's time to check the turkey. And so we pull the the bird out of the oven and this is what we see stuck into the poor birds leg: 

Yes, my friends. That is indeed a melted plastic thermometer. Bless my mother's heart. She did not pay attention and stuck it in the turkey, when it was in fact an instant read thermometer. 
We had a good laugh about it. 
And on the laughing makes you live longer note:
I'm thankful I can laugh. 
Especially at myself. 

Saturday --> Free Time 
Yes. I can't tell you how grateful I am that I have time to do whatever my little heart desires.  As of late...

Sunday--> Nappy-Time
Everyone loves naps. Especially Sunday naps. There is something about going to Church super early (try at 8 o'clock), and then coming home, changing into something extremely comfortable, and jumping into bed for a nap. 
Last week, we were putting up Christmas lights in our front yard and I guess Cam got really tired or something....
He just laid down in the middle of the drive-way. And the strangest part was that it was cold and windy. But there he lay, nappin' the afternoon away. What a stud. 
So in short, I'm thankful for free time to take naps. I LOVE NAPS. 

7 days with 7 things to be grateful for. No, that is not all. I have many other great blessings to give thanks for, but alas, not enough time to blog about them. 
Turn your gaze heavenward. Look up. There is so much to even observe when you go to work or school that will blow your mind because of it's breathtaking beauty. You don't want to miss anything. 

In the wise words of Dwight Schrute: "Life is Short. False - It is the longest thing you do."
Who wants to live their LONG life in bad news and sadness always looking at the ground? 
I know I don't. And I'm pretty sure you don't either. 

Don't Forget to Look UP.